BIF Ch. Treadway Any Way You Want It SC TKN RATI
GCh Starline's Walk This Way x Treadway's Undisclosed Desires
Journey is a fun addition to our home! She is a great companion for Whitney and Isaac, as well as a beautiful show dog with a fun personality. We are excited for her to continue in performance and have a litter in 2020.
Mar 30, 2019- New Ch! Thank you to judge John Reeve Newson for her 2nd major.
Jan 13, 2019- WB for a major under Chris Abraham at the PVDF cluster!
Nov 3, 2018- BIF @ the NWRRC AKC trial for her first points- a whopping 5 pt major!
Jul 29, 2018- WB under Lee Whittier at the HRKC
Jun 3, 2018- BOB over specials from the 9-12 puppy class. Thank you judge Joe Walton for finding our girl!
April 20-21, 2018- Journey does not disappoint! She garners 2 BOW wins and 4 points in her first AKC weekend out with me.
Owned by Sarah Smith-Falkner
Bred and Co-owned by Jeanette Dorsey