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DC Zamaradi & Maererano's Christmas Wish SC
GCh Eldorado n Akuaba's Spy In disguise at Relic x Zamaradi n dLuck's Follow That Dream JC BCAT TKN

Charly 1st point

On the move to a major

Winning Best in Futurity under breeder judge Bradley Phifer

Charly 1st point
Charly was planned for a long time ago! We are excited to add her to our home and breeding program. She has sidegait, topline and soo much charachter.
She can add specialty WB to her awards. Thank you Jane Treiber for finding her.
Fanconi: Carrier via direct test
PRA: Clear via direct test
CERF: Iris to iris ppm
Bred by Sarah Smith-Falkner & Nancy Thornley
Owned and love by Sarah & Jeff
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